
07 Mar

Matilda Bay releases new collection of near perfect ‘Rejected Ales’

Matilda Bay releases new collection of near perfect ‘Rejected Ales’

Because when their flagship Original Ale is this good, its rejects are worth
tasting too.

Melbourne, Australia – Australia’s original craft brewery, Matilda Bay, has today launched Rejected Ales, a limited-edition collection of the 27 near perfect brews they rejected on the way to crafting the award-winning Original Ale.

Obsessed with quality and relentlessly pursuing perfection in everything they do; Matilda Bay’s Master Brewer had no hesitation in rejecting beer that by another brewery’s standards might have been good enough. Rather than keeping these almost perfect beers a secret, the brewery has canned them and made them available to the public to prove just how good their Original Ale is.

Watch the launch film

“We’ve crafted beer to perfection our own way since 1983. If a batch doesn’t meet our impeccably high standards, we reject it. It might be a bit commercially reckless, but it’s just the way we do things around here. So, to demonstrate our dedication to crafting the perfect beer, we’re letting Aussies try our not quite perfect enough Rejected Ales. Which, after our Original Ale, are hopefully the second best beers you’ll taste”, says Phil Sexton.

With names like ‘Yeah…nah’, ‘Keep dreaming’ and ‘Ballpark’, the beers tell a whimsical story of their rejection, and can be tasted for free when you purchase Matilda Bay Original Ale.

You can find the Rejected Ales Australia-wide.
– Buy a 6 pack of Original Ale to receive a free Rejected Ale at participating Liquor
Barons and Ritchie’s stores.
– Buy a case of Original Ale to receive a free mixed 4 pack of Rejected Ales at
– Or find a selection at the Matilda Bay Brewery in the Yarra Valley.
Discover the entire journey to perfection at

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For media enquiries, please contact:
Georgia Price
+61 400 200 943

About Matilda Bay:
Back in 1983 Matilda Bay launched with a mission to prove there was life beyond lager; to wake up drinkers to what great beer, brewed properly, could be. It would be fair to say it birthed the Australian craft movement, brewing now classic beers like the unpronounceable Summer Weizen (quickly renamed Redback in 1987) and the dark lager Dogbolter, with its wildly ranging ABV. After parting ways with Matilda Bay in the 90s, original founder Phil Sexton is back, on a mission to rebuild Matilda Bay, with a brewery and pub in Victoria’s Yarra Valley on the site where Giant Steps Wine used to occupy. Head Brewer Harry Sexton, Phil’s son, and the brewing team have been busy reinventing their greatest hits, and launching a couple of new ones too, taking advantage of the mountain water of the Yarra Ranges and the pristine environment.

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